written by Kerry Cupit, aka Durak (durak@home.com)
Web Site: http://members.home.net/durak/
Do you:
-Have more than one person playing Q3Test on your computer?
-Like to be able to quickly and easily modify your q3config.cfg?
-Wish you could easily change between settings?
This AppleScript program:
-Lets you choose which config file you want to use.
-Allows you to use easily editable text files to set your configurations.
-And works great with Scott Kevill's Q3Finder utility.
-------------Requirements -------------
-500k of RAM (physical or virtual)
-AppleScript (any version)
-Q3Test (any version)
-A macintosh capable of running Q3Test
-------------Installation -------------
1) Drag "MacQuake3 • With profiles" into your q3test folder.
2) Optional: Drag the three player config files into your q3test folder (if you already have config files that you'd
like to use, then don't bother).
3) Open up Q3Finder (if you're using it), and go into the preferences (under the Edit menu).
3a) Where it says "Use Game:", select "MacQuake3 • With profiles"
3b) Where it says "Before Launching:", make sure "Quit other apps (including the Finder)" is deselected.
With the release of Q3Test 1.03, this feature no longer offers an increase in framerates (more or less).
3c) Save the preferences and you're all set!
Continue on to the Usage section of this Read Me…
-------------Usage -------------
Usage is very simple:
Use the included Player.cfg files.
Drop the config files you want to use over top of the script.
If you set up Q3Finder properly, use it as you normally would. As soon as you select "Join…", you'll be asked which config to use. Make your selection and the rest is done automatically.
If you don't use Q3Finder, just double click on "MacQuake3 • With profiles" to select which config you want.
-------------Notes -------------
Bug reporting, questions & comments:
-Feel free to email me at durak@home.com.
Special Thanks to:
-Scott Kevill for writing Q3Finder and for his patience with helping me.
-BIG thanks to Falsity and Dr. Foo for beta testing for me.
-Apple Computer Inc. for creating the Macintosh and AppleScript.
-The Cranberries for such awesome music (which I listened to while coding)
Tips and Miscellaneous stuff:
-Written entirely using the standard Apple "Script Editor" (included on every mac).
-I don't like the zoom function that's included in Q3Test because it doesn't change the mouse speed when you zoom in, so I
made my own. You'll notice in the config files that I've included a new one, more or less, bound to 'x' and 'y'.
-If you want to be able to "exec" config files from within Q3Test, rename your "demoq3" directory to "baseq3" and place
your configs in this folder. NOTE: Q3Finder 1.0.1 will not allow you to "Join…" games if you do this.
-Here are instructions on how you get colours in your name in Q3Test (writted by Zoid of id Software):
Quake3 has support for embedded color codes. They are present in Q3Test. In order to say or make your name with added color, you must preset the codes in your config file. Q3Test does not allow you to have external config files, so pretty much you are restricted to editing your name in the q3config.cfg file.
In order to embed the color codes, you must have an editor that lets you insert special character into a text file. In this case the character. Some editors let you insert an escape character by using a special sequence such as Ctrl-P then Ctrl-[ (Ctrl-[ is the same character code as the ESC character sequence). Your mileage may vary.
The colors are:
<ESC> 0 -- Color 0--Black
<ESC> 1 -- Color 1--Red
<ESC> 2 -- Color 2--Green
<ESC> 3 -- Color 3--Yellow
<ESC> 4 -- Color 4--Blue
<ESC> 5 -- Color 5--Cyan
<ESC> 6 -- Color 6--Magenta
<ESC> 7 -- Color 7--White
For example, in my q3config.cfg file, I have the following for my player name:
// Zoid.BC
set name "<ESC>1Z<ESC>5oi<ESC>1d<ESC>
Where "<ESC>" is replaced with the ESC character code. Note that I added <ESC>7 at the end to return the color to white. This makes things look better. Have fun.
-------------Version History -------------
5/23/99 - VERSION 1.1:
Whoops, I should have tested this a bit better. Nonetheless, I've spent 10+ hours working on it and improved it muchly.
Bug Fixes/Changes:
- There's probably too many to list since I've more than TRIPLED the amount of code since the last release.
Error handling is extensive and compatability should be greatly improved.
- Fixed bug which prevented Q3Finder from seeing "MacQuake3(with profiles)". I simply
needed to change the creator code. (Doh!)
- You can now drag-and-drop any text file you want to use on top of the program.
- Fixed those "Can't get item 1 of """ errors by implementing a MUCH better way of locating MacQuake3
(The old way was to look inside the Q3Finder prefs to obtain the pathname, very inefficient and
- "MacQuake3(with profiles)" is now called "MacQuake3 • With profiles" just because it looks better.
Future updates:
- I plan to optimize the code as much as possible to cut down on the number of AppleEvents sent to the
- Bug fixes and more error handling (as needed)
- Try and reduce the RAM needed by the program through optimizations. Personally I think 500k is quite
a bit for just an AppleScript. (Maybe due to MacOS 8.6 needing and extra 300k of RAM per program?)
- Look at other methods of loading config files other than through the MacQuake3Parms.txt file. Maybe by
using the command-line? Q3Test is scriptable by at least that much. Another option is to edit and
format the actual q3config.cfg file, which would probably be more preferable, yet possibly slower.
- I'm thinking about releasing the source code. Sure it's only applescript, but potential applescripters
could probably learn a lot from it. Let me know if you want it.
- Automatically configure Q3Finder for use with the Q3Test Profile Manager. This is especially tricky
because I'll be modifying the Q3Finder prefs directly. I've started work on this but it's not ready yet.
5/21/99 - Initial Public Release 1.0
Kind of exciting, as it's my first major public software release, albiet only an AppleScript.
Thanks for downloading!
Web Site: http://members.home.net/durak/
This manual was written on May 9th 1999 and updated on May 23rd 1999. If I've left anything out, made a blatant error, etc, feel free to email me, Kerry Cupit, at durak@home.com.
I can't be held responsible if your computer operates erratically or in an unwanted manner due to the instructions and software I've provided. I see no reason why this should happen, but if it does, remove the files you installed and restart.